Exercises for the abdomen and sides to burn fat around the waist. Exercise effectively

Side and abdominal slimming exercises allow you to achieve a slim and beautiful waistline and remove excess weight.

The reason for the appearance of fat in the waist

Fat doesn't always appear from overeating.

Sometimes there are other reasons for their appearance:

  • is ​​slowly metabolized;
  • gene
  • ;
  • is ​​pregnant;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • illness;
  • stress;
  • age;
  • incorrect posture;
  • lacks physical activity;
  • eats a large amount of food;
  • overuse of sweets and a fast carbohydrate excess.

To avoid excess fat on the waist and sides, there are a few steps you need to do:

  • The diet must be the right way and in balance. The number of meals should be 4-5 meals. Harmful products should be excluded.
  • It's essential to incorporate training into your everyday life. They should alternate: one energy day, one cardio day.
  • Sometimes intestinal cleaning is required.
  • After you sleep, you need to drink a glass of water to start your metabolism.
  • You can use different creams and go for a massage.

How do I determine the amount of fat?

The female body must store fat. They protect internal organs and are involved in many processes. However, everything will be fine.

There are several options for measuring body fat:

Method Description
1. Body mass index. You can use the body mass index to see if you have excess body fat. It is calculated as follows: body weight in kg divided by square of height, in cm, if the value obtained is greater than 25 then the person is overweight. Criterion is considered to be between 18, 5 and 25. But all of these values ​​also depend on age.
2. The ratio between the belly and hips. Use a tape measure to measure the widest part of the leg and the narrowest part of the navel. And divide your waist in centimeters by your hips. Ideal proportions are 0, 7. Anything above the norm is considered excess fat.
3. Waistline. An acceptable indicator is considered a waist size between 80 and 89 cm. If this value is higher, then this issue must be resolved.

How to choose side and abdominal exercises

For the waist and sides, choose exercises aimed at impacting the oblique muscles of the abdomen. They have to use the press.

The following types of exercises should be included during practice:

  • twists in many styles;
  • Bending exercises
  • ;
  • presence of turns and reversals in training;
  • is ​​aerobic.
Girls perform weight loss exercises on the abdomen and sides

Exercise Features

Abdominal and hip exercises have some features:

  • The correct execution technique should be followed.
  • Must warm up before training and stretch after exercise.
  • We need to pay more attention to cardio, but don't forget strength training too.
  • Must have at least 3 lessons per week.
  • The waist and side exercises should include loads to develop upper and lower pressure, as well as oblique muscles.
  • Special attention should be paid to vacuum exercise.
  • A perfect ball to relieve spinal stress.


Heat up before doing any exercise. Takes a bit of time (about 4-8 minutes), but it helps the body prepare for the upcoming load.

A starter should include:

  • cardio exercises;
  • works with joints (from head to toe);
  • small paragraph;
  • breathing activity.

The whole exercise is done with a moderate speed and without any jerky. Before doing hip and waist exercises, they need to spend more time warming up.

Examples of pre-workout warm-up exercises:

  1. Running in place.
  2. Tilt your head in a circle.
  3. Mill Exercise.
  4. Lungs.
  5. Exercise to restore the respiratory system.


Side and belly exercises come in many variations. This also includes crunches, one of the famous abdominal exercises.

They are great for removing fat from the sides and making your waistline slim. For twists, the position of the back in a slightly curved position is important. Such training must take place with the obligatory compliance of the implementation technique, otherwise the desired results will not be achieved. There are several twist options.

They all aim to pump the different muscles of the abdomen and sides:

  • inverse;
  • The usual
  • ;
  • oblique;
  • side;
  • with lower limbs raised.

Crunches normally work actively on the upper press.

Classic crunches should be done as follows:

  • As you exhale, lift your chest up. The loin remains on the floor and the head does not move.
  • All movements should be performed using the abdominal muscles.
  • Hold for 2-3 seconds in this position. The muscles of the press should be strained.
  • When you inhale, lower yourself and relax.
  • Perform 2-4 sets, 10-15 repetitions each.

Cracking sound

In reverse crunches, which involves pressing the bottom.

The reverse twist is done a little differently:

  • You need to have a place on the carpet. Put your hands behind your head. Raise the bent legs at the knees so they become parallel to the surface.
  • Exhale, pull your knees into your chest, lower back, and pelvis should be lifted off the floor.
  • Oblique twists
  • Hold for 2-3 seconds. And when inhaled, it returns to its original state.
  • Perform 2-4 repetitions 10-15 repetitions.

Cracking noise

Oblique twists work well on the sides and give the waist line.

  • Lie down on the carpet. Bend right leg at knee and place left leg on right side.
  • The right arm is at the back of the head, the left arm is extended forward.
  • As you exhale, extend your right elbow towards your left knee.
  • Return if inhaled.
  • After a few repetitions, change the position and twist to the other side.

Curled legs

Curving or flexing your legs pay more attention to the upper and lower abdominal muscles:

  • Tummy. The back is pressed firmly to the floor, and the arms are behind the head or crossed over the chest. Raise your legs on the floor and bend them at the knees, forming a right angle.
  • As you exhale, lift your round back and tighten your legs slightly.
  • Try to touch your knees with your head, not your chin.
  • Don't rip your lower back. Fix in seconds.
  • With one breath, enter the starting position.

Crowing next to sound

Side curls help develop the oblique muscles of the abdomen and are responsible for shaping the waist.

This exercise is done according to the following principles:

  • You need to lie down on the carpet. Put your hands behind your head. Legs bent at a right angle, turning to the right.
  • When you exhale, the body leans up, the lower back and head are not affected.
  • When inhaling, lie down.
  • Do a couple of repetitions and switch sides.


An exercise bike not only works for crunching but also develops whole muscles:

  • Press your back to the floor, placing your hands behind your head. Raise the bent leg, forming a right angle.
  • Raising our shoulder blades and curving back, we straighten our right elbow to the opposite knee. At the same time, your right leg should be straight. We repeat with the left elbow.
  • A moderate speed is best.

Turn to Round

The plank is very flexible. It can be done every day. The plus is that it takes a bit of time to plank, but it gives excellent results. More muscles are involved in the exercise, depending on the option.

Plank exercises have many different functions:

  • Allows you to strengthen the muscles and at the same time, puts a small load on the spine.
  • Plank exercises help relieve back pain and increase muscle strength.
  • This activity for a few minutes will speed up your metabolism and burn more calories than squatting or twisting.
  • Thanks to the plank, you can get correct pose.
  • Plank increases flexibility and develops balance.

Plank with hip turrets that allow you to work on your stomach and sides:

  • Standing on a regular board rack. Emphasis on elbows, feet on toes. The pelvis and head do not need strong lifting.
  • Rotates the pelvis to the right. Legs up to knees will be on the floor and hips will be in a hanging position. Left foot on right side.
  • Return to straight position.
  • Switch sides. The turn is performed on exhalation.
  • Do this 20-50 times.

Reverse bar

Rotating plank allows you to not only strengthen the muscles of the entire core, but also train the abdomen and sides:

  • Take the pose like a normal board. Focus on your elbows, your feet on your toes. The pelvis and head don't need to be raised.
  • Turn left and raise left arm straight up above head. The legs do not change position.
  • Return to normal position.
  • Repeat everything on the right side.
  • Number of repetitions from 20 to 50.

Lungs in turn

The shakes legs allow you to work out the glutes and legs. And if you add in this one at a time, the lateral muscles of the abdomen will be involved in the process.

This exercise is not difficult at all:

  • Extend your legs a little, hands along your body.
  • Leap forward with your right foot at a right angle. The left leg is slightly bent at the knee.
  • Back in straight position. Arms out in front. You can hold a ball or dumbbell in your hand.
  • Rotates body to the right.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat with the left leg.
  • Do 2-3 repetitions 15-20.
Side bends

Side bends

Another popular and simple exercise is bending. They help to remove faces and work with oblique faces. For best results, use a dumbbell in hand where the tilt will be performed.

The exercise will be as follows:

  • Extend your legs with shoulder-width apart, keeping your back straight.
  • One hand should be placed on the waist, the other hand will extend over the head in an inclined direction.
  • Do not bend your lower back, bend to the side as low as possible.
  • Movements are performed alternately in one direction and then in the other.

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum aspiration is a breathing exercise that stretches the abdominal muscles. They shrink and give the desired results.

Using a vacuum, you can achieve the following result:

  • reduced waist;
  • removes visceral fat;
  • removes a tense stomach;
  • abs exercises;
  • achieves a flat stomach;
  • relieves back pain.

For this exercise, it is important to inhale and exhale properly and maintain the abdominal position.

It is best to do this activity in the morning before a meal or in the evening before going to bed.

  • Choose a comfortable position (lying, sitting or standing, you can also be on all fours).
  • Take a deep breath through your nose. In this case, the abdomen must be enlarged.
  • Exhale through your mouth. The abdomen is strongly sucked in. Breathing is held.
  • Leave this state for about 10-15 seconds.
  • Slowly exhale and relax your stomach.
  • Raise your legs in the chair
  • Restores the breath a little, and does it again.
  • Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 seconds.

Foot restraints

A booster seat uses your lower abs and upper thighs.

It can be done not only at home, but also during breaks at work.

  • Sit on a bench or bench. But not on the entire surface, but on the edge. Keep your back straight. Hands hold onto the seat.
  • As you exhale, raise your legs but not very high.
  • While inhaling, lower again.
  • Run at least 20-25 times.


Walking is the most sensible physical activity. It refers to cardio exercise. To lose weight by walking, you need to walk at a moderate pace for about an hour or 4, 5-7 km.

The pulse is also important. It should be 50-70% higher than normal. During walking, about 300-400 calories are consumed during this time. To achieve results in weight loss, you need to walk every day or every other day.

During walking, excess fat does not disappear immediately. First, the body gets energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates. Then, glycogen comes into play. And somewhere after 40-45 minutes. the body receives fat in the body.

The best results are obtained in the morning, as metabolism occurs faster during this time. Should have a snack before training. Always have water with you. And just like before any physical activity, a warm-up is required to warm up the body.



Jogging differs from normal running in that the travel speed is small: about 5-7 km / h and put your feet completely on the plane. This type of cardio exercise is suitable for beginners to exercise strength and exercise muscle to exercise health.Unlike regular jogging, running puts less pressure on your joints.

For jogging, the heart rate should be around 120. It is best to run in the evening for 40-60 minutes. Do not exercise much because the body will take energy from stored fat after about 40 minutes. and it lasts 10-15 minutes. Furthermore, energy will be supplemented from muscle protein.


Jogging is a form of cardio exercise. It is important to breathe properly to reduce pressure on the cardiovascular system, and organs and tissues receive more oxygen.

For weight loss, it is best to run intermittently, with a feature of running fast and slow alternating during a workout. Such running burns more calories than running. In a fast paced, you need almost 2 times more energy. Going at a slow pace allows you to recover a bit.

To run for weight loss, you need to run at least 3 times a week. The duration of such a lesson should be 25-30 minutes. With the right running time, you can do it in 60 minutes. take up 800 calories.

Cardio Exercises

Side and abdominal exercises are better for cardio. Cardio is an essential part of fat loss. They accelerate metabolism and muscle contraction.

Actually, all of the body's muscles are used during cardio. This exercise will last more than 30 minutes. Heart rate reading depends on the exercise selected.


Cardio exercises that can help remove excess weight in the waist and sides include:

  • swimming;
  • is ​​running;
  • jogging;
  • jump rope;
  • cycling;
  • aerobics classes;
  • walk;
  • ice skating or snowboarding.


Swimming in the pool is great for your body. Exercising in water speeds up your metabolism, which is a direct way to lose weight. When swimming, the entire body muscles are involved. During 60 minutes of active exercise, the body burns about 350-500 calories.

Swimming helps you lose weight in your waist and hips. By going to the pool two to four times a week and observing the right nutrition, you can achieve a slim waistline.

Swimming in different styles is most effective. This will help join all of the muscles at work. Cool water burns more energy, so the body needs more calories to stay warm.

For those who can not swim and do not possess a different style, underwater aerobics will be a great assistant in forming a waistline. Exercising in the water to lose weight in the abdomen and sides will help pump the abdominal muscles.

Post-workout stretching

Side and abdominal exercises, like any other physical activity, should end with stretching. Stretching exercises help your muscles recover from exercise and release stress. Stretching time is about 5 minutes. After an intense workout you need to first return your pulse to normal and only then begin the training process.

Examples of post-workout stretches:

  1. "Cat" exercise.
  2. Slope to foot.
  3. Clasp your hands over your head.

Exercises in the gym

Side and belly exercises can also be done in the gym. One performance feature of the waist and side exercises is that there you canuse different simulators and additional devices:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike
  • ;
  • paddle simulator;
  • ellipsoid;
  • Step
  • ;
  • fitball;
  • round;
  • thanks
  • ;
  • dumbbells.

Working in circles will help to achieve the best results when doing some exercises and the resting time between them is about 15-20 seconds. The exercise plan includes not only cardio exercises, but also resistance training.

Example of a pair of gym exercises:

  1. Bend over with dumbbells.
  2. Working on a rowing machine.
  3. The cry of the bench.
  4. Hang the swing leg.

Typical Errors

Many people who set their own weight loss and fat loss goals make some mistakes:

  • When twisting, it is important to move the muscles in the abdomen and back, not stretching the head.
  • Sometimes the exercises are done incorrectly, affecting the end result.
  • It doesn't matter the number of repetitions but the quality of the performance.
  • Should alternate strength training with cardiovascular and always rest your body.
  • Many people do not pay attention to starting and cooling down. And they are an important factor in helping to avoid problems and tone the body.
  • Avoid starting with a heavy load, choose some small rep and a small distance to run or walk would be better. You can increase the intensity of your exercise every day.
  • You can often come across such a moment when a person participates in sports without observing the proper nutrition. This should be done together, then the desired will be achieved. And so muscles appear, but they're not visible behind the fat layer.

Exercises aimed at the abdomen and sides will help bring them back to their normal state and remove excess body fat. For such workouts, you can use additional equipment that will help increase efficiency.